Hello friends of CHOA,
CHOA is well into a busy time, with lots of meetings and events. We know your schedules are full as well. We want you to consider joining us for one of the gatherings coming up, review the links we are providing, and reach out to your district’s City Council person to express to them your perspective on why affordable housing needs to come to Arcadia (like many other cities in California.) This is how the faith community can make an impact to build affordable housing in Arcadia!
The links we provide give you opportunities to dig into the details when you need to review the topics. Do contact CHOA by replying to this email if you like to set up a time to further discuss any of these points, and get more clarity. We are ready to assist you to be more clear on these important housing matters.
Here is what is in this month’s newsletter:
- Meet with City Council members on Affordable Housing: We met with Mayor April Verlato in September. As we meet with other City Council members, we really do need you to join in. Your voice, stories and perspective make an impact. Join us!!
- Sharing Session – Saturday morning, November 4th: Keep this date reserved in the morning, for our next Sharing Session. Hear updates from the CHOA team on potential affordable housing coming to Arcadia, and our visits with each City Council member, and how you can make a direct impact. Hear from Mayor Verlato on what is going on with homelessness and housing region-wide.
- Videos of the Pasadena Affordable Housing Bus Tours in July: Pasadena has built so many Affordable Housing units over the years. How? Our friends at Making Housing and Community shared how in their Affordable Housing Bus Tour in July. Arroyo Now filmed the tour so we can all learn, and see. We have these 2 videos in this newsletter. It is possible, friends!
Meet with City Council members on Affordable Housing
The CHOA team met with Mayor April Verlato in September. We had a good gathering of 11 folks (see the top picture). We heard Mayor Verlatos’s perspectives on housing in Arcadia, and we shared ours. Mayor Verlato has worked on housing solutions for years in Arcadia, so frankly there were many like-minded stories shared. CHOA is so grateful for Mayor Verlato’s leadership on housing, and we need to keep encouraging her. This was our first step to share with City Council members.
Affordable housing becomes reality when we speak in large numbers. Every voice matters and impacts our City Council members’ decisions. We need to show we are thoughtful, respectful, knowledgeable about why more housing is needed, and why affordable housing is good for Arcadia and for those needing such income-specific housing. By coming together, we show City Council that the faith community and the churches in Arcadia are here to stay, and are supporting housing for the long-term. Collectively, we provide political cover for City Council to move forward. Advocacy works!
Want to join us in these gatherings with City Council members? We need you. First, find out in which Arcadia district you live in, see the link below.
Our next meetings will be with City Councilwoman Sharon Kwan (District 2) in October, and City Councilwoman Eileen Wang (District 3) in early November. These meetings cannot be left to just the CHOA team. We are setting up a warm inviting, safe, and constructive environment to express your perspective. You get to be heard. You get to hear the perspective of your City Council member, and others. This is a key time; do take advantage of these opportunities.
We have five City Council members. We need 3 votes to pass the inclusionary ordinance, and the rezoning, in two separate votes. CHOA prefers 4 votes – yes, 5 is best, but we want to be realistic – to keep Arcadia unified; we have to step forward as a city…together…not just by a slim margin. With this approach, the faith community is also bringing about peace in Arcadia, and building community.
To recap, CHOA and supporters are meeting with City Council members over the next 6 months to urge them to vote for the affordable housing items coming before City Council regarding the Housing Element. Below are the key points:
Housing Element:
- Our Housing Element includes building 3,200 residential units, in the next 8 years.
- 1,600 of the new units need to be Affordable Housing
- (see our “CHOA Efforts” web page in the link below for details)
Upcoming votes:
- Inclusionary Ordinance:
- The percentage of Affordable Housing in the new residential developments. Keep in mind Pasadena’s inclusionary ordinance is currently at 20%.
- Rezoning:
- Allows more units to be built in the same space than before. Basically 5 story new mixed use development is being planned, with bottom flow commercial (restaurants and stores), and residential units above.
- The City has a plan to spread these around 6 strategic locations around Arcadia. This will also revitalize these areas, like our Downtown area around the Metro Gold/A line station, First Avenue, Live Oak Avenue, and even Foothill Blvd.
If you like to review research on why more housing (and in particular more affordable housing) is needed, take a look at the below articles.
After reviewing all the details and numbers on housing, you and your story is the heart of the matter. Share your unique perspective, stories and viewpoints to our City Council members. Here are a few thoughts on what you may want to include:
- What is your housing story? How has housing shaped you?
- What does housing mean to you? How important is having a stable home mean to you?
- Does your faith and your reading of Scripture impact you to want housing for those families that are just barely making rent, or their mortgage?
- Do you think that God – who created the Earth and land – wants the faith community to speak for people from different economic levels to have a place to live in Arcadia?
- Do you support folks living close to where they work? This affordable housing helps with quality of life and reduces climate change, as we reduce long commutes.
- Do you think Arcadia teachers, fire and police, and our city staff should be able to live in Arcadia?
- Can your adult children live in Arcadia on their own?
If you can join us to chat with your City Council member, please contact us at the link below, or just reply to this email, so we can notify you of the specific date, time and location of the meeting.
If you cannot make it this time, there will be other opportunities to share your story and perspective. You can always email them, see their emails below. Also, you can make a public comment, at the City Council meetings when these items are on the City Council meeting agenda, in 2024. CHOA will let you know when these are on the agenda.
Upcoming “Sharing Session” on Saturday morning of Nov. 4th
Every six months, CHOA hosts a “Sharing Session”, where we meet in-person as a large group, and share with everyone what is happening with housing in Arcadia. Our next “Sharing Session” is Saturday, Nov. 4th, from 9:30am to 11:30am, at the Episcopal Church of the Transfiguration (1881 South First Avenue, Arcadia 91006). See the flier and links below. Help to spread the news of this event. Place fliers out on your church bulletin boards, hand these to your friends, and join us. The fliers are in the link below.
CHOA will give an update on the meetings with City Council members. We will review what the Housing Element is, and how it is possible to build 1,600 Affordable Housing units in Arcadia in the next 7-8 years. This time will allow you to be more clear how this all works, and the 2 votes coming up to City Council in 2024: 1) the inclusionary ordinance, and 2) rezoning.
Mayor April Verlato will also join us. She will share what is going on housing region-wide. She is First President of the Council of Governments (COG), where cities work together on a number of efforts; homelessness is one of them. She will share what the COG (City of Governments – many cities working together) is doing. Also note, she is putting together a Housing Summit for many city councils in the area on February 29th (a Thursday). More information on that to come.
Read a bit more details in our “Events” web page in the first link below. The second link below is to download the fliers.
Affordable Housing Bus Tour in Pasadena in July 2023
How does Pasadena build so many Affordable Housing units? They shared with more than 70+ folks this summer, with a bus tour. Now, we have an opportunity to learn (and see) as well.
Our friends at Making Housing and Community Happen (MHCH) had an Affordable Housing Bus Tour in July 2023. 4 of our 5 Arcadia City Council members attended this bus tour. Arroyo Now filmed the event, and created a 2-part video of the bus tour.
How about having the bus tour in Mandarin? MHCH is thinking of doing just that in the next few years. Do you think we, in Arcadia, can help in that effort? If you are willing to help, please let CHOA know by replying to this email. This just helps us all spread the word on how housing is possible in each of our cities.
Below are the 2 videos of the bus tour. Note that these videos are also on the CHOA website, under the below link:
Part 1 of the July 2023 Affordable Housing Bus Tour in Pasadena, organized by Making Housing and Community Happen, and fimled/editted by Arroyo Now.
Part 2 of the July 2023 Affordable Housing Bus Tour in Pasadena, organized by Making Housing and Community Happen, and fimled/editted by Arroyo Now.