7 days to the CHOA Sharing Gathering on Oct. 19th-2024

Friend of CHOA,

We are 7 days to October 19th, where we will gather that Saturday morning (9:30am to 11:30am) to learn, engage, and be inspired.  We can make housing changes…yes, here in Arcadia.

See the flier below for information on this gathering.  We are meeting at Arcadia Community Church, at 121 Alice Street, in Arcadia.  Take time for 2 hours in the morning, and get a pack load (but not overwhelming) update on what is going on with housing in Arcadia.  Please RSVP in the link below so we know you are coming!

RSVP for October 19th

Bring your walking shoes on October 19th, as at the end of our time together we will be making a “field trip” from the church to the Lucile parcel…just a block away.  It will be fun!  You get to see this piece of land first-hand.  Read more below.  Let’s envision affordable housing there together.

Lastly, in this email, we provide information on Measure A and Proposition 33, on the ballet in the elections on November 5th.  These are important changes we can vote for around housing.  I personally had to take some time to learn more this week.  Below, I give you a summary, and a video and some links for you to learn from.  Hope this helps you vote thoughtfully.

–Mike Veerman
CHOA Team Lead

Lucile parcel is deemed for affordable housing in Arcadia  It is near the Santa Anita Avenue and Durarte Road intersection, see the red square and arrow.

“Field Trip” to the Lucile parcel:

See the picture above.  That’s the Lucile parcel, deemed for affordable housing, transitioning from County back into the hands of the City of Arcadia.

At the end of our time together on Saturday, October 19th, we are going to walk to this parcel. We will walk, across First Avenue, going a block away from the church (see the below map between the church and the parcel).  

By visiting the parcel, we can connect with this piece of land, and know exactly where it is.  We can learn more about the process of it having affordable housing, and even pray before we leave this site, for God to make this happen.  We can imagine what may be possible: Homes for families they can afford!  A little bit of God’s Kingdom and will, coming here on earth…in Arcadia.  Join us!!

The Lucile parcel is close to the church where we are meeting at on October 19th

Measure A and Proposition 33 coming up in the Elections on Nov. 5th:

To reduce homelessness and build affordable housing, we need many approaches.  One will not be enough.  Many folks are creating solutions by proposing new state-wife and county-wide changes, from the ballet box.  This week, I learned from our housing advocate friends in Pasadena, Making Housing and Community Happen (MHCH).  They held a webinar this week, and recorded it, and that video is below.  The presenters were Andrea Vocos of United Way, and Brigitte “Bee” Rooney of the Pasadena Tenants Union.  I share what I learned below.  Hope this is helpful to you.

I would recommend voting “Yes” for Measure A, which will extend, and exceed, the purposes of Measure H, which will expire in 2027.  If passed, Measure A will not expire.  What I’m hearing about Measure A is that it was written by community experts, who know how to get things done.  This is for all of LA County.  County-wide, it focuses on both services for the unhoused, as well as building affordable housing.  Yes, it has a fourth of a percentage increase in sales taxes; it has an accountability element that assures money is not wasted, and/or goes to efforts that are working. 75% of products and services we buy (like groceries, gas, rent, and medication) do not apply in this tax increase; it is mostly targetted to what tourists will purchase.  For your quick review, also below are key links and slides from the MHCH webinar, so you can skim and review these yourself. 

Our housing advocate friends in Pasadena — Making Housing and Community Happen — put together this informative webinar on Measure A and Proposition 33

Proposition 33:

Vote “Yes” for Prop. 33.  I learned a lot about Prop. 33 this week from the MHCH webinar, see the video above.  It is about rent control for the entire state, but basically eliminating bans in place by the Costa Hawkins Housing Act.  Currently, this act limits rent control on buildings built after 1995, and in single-family homes, and when a new tenet arrives.  Those limits will be repealed.  CHOA does not work on rent control, so this state-wide Proposition could help so many in Arcadia to have more stable rent. To learn more, see the links below.

Yes on 33: https://yeson33.org/

LA Times: https://www.latimes.com/politics/story/2024-09-27/proposition-33-money-support-opposition-californias-statewide-ballot-measure

CalMatters: https://calmatters.org/california-voter-guide-2024/propositions/prop-33-rent-control/